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Québec City

Living in the Université Laval residences means choosing the Québec City, where fast-paced modern life meets history and the great outdoors.

Lively culture and nightlife

Québec City’s major festivals, museums, art galleries, theatres, cinemas, bars, and pubs nourish a tremendous cultural and artistic vitality that will delight anyone who loves culture and urban living.

Images of the Summer Festival and a Rouge et Or football game
 Images of Old City

Experience history

Get in touch with over 400 years of history by exploring the neighbourhoods of the Old City with its architecture, heritage, and numerous other attractions.

St. Lawrence River

Living in Québec City is your ticket to a multifaceted relationship with the St. Lawrence River. Experience it from various viewpoints and enjoy a host of water sports within a stone’s throw of the city.

St. Lawrence River
Mountainous landscapes

Outdoor adventure

Québec City is dotted with green space just minutes from numerous natural sites where you can easily enjoy a host of outdoor activities whatever the season.