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Your home on campus in the Université Laval residences

The Service des residences de l’Université Laval is among the largest housing departments in eastern Canada. More than 2,300 students choose to live on campus each year, often for practical reasons at first, then for the stimulating, rewarding environment.

Service des résidences staff share a dedication to service and work diligently to make sure every resident has a special and positive experience. Students of more than 80 nationalities mingle in a setting where tolerance and respect for individual and cultural differences—so essential to living together—open up endless opportunities for building bridges and networking.

A classification certificate for a tourist accommodation establishment

The Service des residences de l’Université Laval also has a classification certificate for a tourist accommodation establishment. It provides affordable tourist accommodations year-round, particularly in the summer season when many more rooms are available. Income from its tourist operations goes toward keeping costs down for full-time students in residence.

Self-supported operations

The Service des résidences is under the authority of the Vice Rector, Administration and Finance. Its status as a self-supporting ancillary service means that it has to generate all its operating and developmental funds from payments made by its users. It needs to be run efficiently if it’s to provide a good value for those who depend on it.

Statement of service


Provide comfortable, practical accommodations for the university community members and their partners at the best possible value, in a living environment conducive to success and social responsibility.


Contribute to Université Laval’s long-term development by remaining a leader in student accommodations. To this end, the Service des résidences seeks to do the following:

  • Pioneer new approaches to managing property and residence life
  • Renew and develop a lively, stimulating living environment as well as facilities and services that meet residents’ expectations
  • Initiate, maintain, and develop collaborative initiatives with other Université Laval units and private partners
  • Maintain and increase the value of the assets it manages
  • Alike it’s diversified clientele, gather competent and versatile goal-oriented human ressources within its team


The Service des résidences’s mandate is to

  • Manage the Université Laval residences in accordance with the values of the university
  • Administer rental leases with state-of-the-art pratices in compliance with the law, policies, and regulatory requirements of the Province of Québec and Université Laval
  • Optimize use of facilities
  • Maintain buildings, offices, and materials properly
  • Preserve residence quality of life and ensuring the maintenance of an inclusive, healthy and safe living environment
  • Offer programming and peer support  to sustain students’ integration and study project’s success
  • Provide hotel-style accommodations to meet university-student housing and general public needs

Read the Statement of Service (PDF) in full.

Sustainable development in the residences

The Service des residences wishes to ensure that development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The Service des résidences is an active member of both the Table de concertation de développement durable de l'Université Laval and the Réseau des répondantes et répondants locaux en développement durable.

Sustainable development is integrated into the residence's strategic plan and is a key strategy for providing housing that better meets the expectations of its clientele.

Some key elements:

  • Multi-material recycling and composting in the 2300 rooms or common areas of the 4 pavilions
  • Use of ecological cleaning products and energy-efficient light bulbs
  • Major energy saving project carried out in collaboration with the Service des immeubles
  • Integration of green and energy efficient principles in various renovation and retention projects
  • Promotional materials are printed at the Service de reprographie on 100% recycled paper
  • Low water consumption showers
  • Purchasing policy based on responsible purchasing criteria and reduction of packaging for large volume purchases
  • Comprehensive residence life program: peer support services, social, intercultural and sustainable development activities
  • Grand don: donation, recycling and reuse of useful items, small appliances and clothing
  • Hiring strategy that favours students living on campus and international students
  • Financial support for students in financial difficulty: Roger R. Côté scholarship, resident assistance fund, support for the Table du pain de la conférence Marie-Guyart, community fridge in the commun kitchens
  • Fundraising for the Fondation UL and Centraide

Visit the Sustainable Development section of the Université Laval website.


Other university institutions work together with the Service des résidences in fulfilment of its mission:

The Service des résidences has a hotel permit from Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec, and is a member of Québec City Tourism and the Canadian Hotel Association of Canada’s Green Key Program .

The Service des résidences also takes part in Recyc-Québec’s Ici on recycle program (in French).

Campus Urban Development Fund, Residences

The Urban Development Fund, Residences, covers such initiatives as the Roger R. Côté Bursary for a student in residence.

Give to the Campus Urban Development Fund, Residences (in French).

Roger R. Côté Bursary

The Service des résidences awards the Roger R. Côté Bursary each year to help a student encountering financial difficulties keep going in university.


The Service des résidences hires residents every year for support work in housekeeping, hotel tasks, and student support.

Job openings are posted on the Service du développement professionnel website (in French).